A bivariate survival model for events with dependent failure times based on Archimedean copula functions. Application case: A sample of HIV patients English

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Jesús Alberto Peña-Guillén
Josefa Ramoni-Perazzi
Giampaolo Orlandoni-Merli


This paper proposes a bivariate survival model for dependent failure times based on copula functions of the Archimedean family and the mean cumulative function for non-recurrent events of different types (MCFR ̅E) and uses it to estimate the probability of survival from the occurrence of events of different types on the same HIV/AIDS patient. The copula functions evaluate the dependence structure between the failure times of the events experienced by the same patient throughout their follow-up period, and the MCFR ̅E generates the marginal survival function for each event. The marginal function is a nonparametric estimator that gives the same estimated survival probability as the Kaplan-Meier estimator if the failure times of the different types of events are independent. If each patient experiences at least one event, a subset of them generates a compound event that affects the estimated probability of survival. The results show that the traditionally estimated survival probabilities are biased if dependent failure times are treated as independent.

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How to Cite
Alberto Peña-Guillén , J. ., Ramoni-Perazzi, J., & Orlandoni-Merli, G. (2024). A bivariate survival model for events with dependent failure times based on Archimedean copula functions. Application case: A sample of HIV patients : English. Brazilian Journal of Biometrics, 42(1), 50–58. https://doi.org/10.28951/bjb.v42i1.644
Author Biographies

Jesús Alberto Peña-Guillén , Universidad de Los Andes

Mathematician, magister and PhD in Statistics. Full professor at the Universidad de Los Andes (Mérida, Venezuela)

Josefa Ramoni-Perazzi, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Economist, magister in Statistics, Ph.D. in Economics. Full professor at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia).

Giampaolo Orlandoni-Merli, Universidad de Santander

Economist, magister in economics, Ph.D. in Statistics. Full professor at the Universidad de Santander


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